Monday, February 9, 2009

Sweet people

Hello, my fabulous readers (all 11 of you). I am so glad you come here, and read, and comment. Oh, how I love your comments!

I am sorry that all I have to give you tonight is a "hello" and a "thank you." My husband has bronchitis and the flu, and Katie is potty training...

But thanks for stopping by, and I hope you have a wonderful evening with those you love.

Psalm 100:2
Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.


Kay said...

well I think you have more readers than I do! haha. I hope the hubby feels better.

p.s. that place you stayed with the awesome bunk beds... looks just.. well awesome! lol.

Dear Abbi said...

Oh poor Adam. I'm so sorry. I hope he feels better soon. And that Katie hits the target every last time. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all of your wonderful posts Nanette. We love reading them every night even if they are just a friendly hello. Hope Adam feels better soon. We love and miss you all. Jessica