Saturday, March 26, 2011

this week

was the first time the four and five-year-old Jr. church class met Chester the Chimpanzee. He wears an aqua blue onesie with the letters ch glued to the front. He was a big hit. Bring puppets when you teach this age group and you are guaranteed to be considered a "fun teacher."

was the first day of spring, with rain and a few snowflakes.
The day started out with a great beginning that too quickly came unravelled by pulling the threads of a health insurance appeal and a trip to the library with two books that didn't have their cds with them. Grrr.

I never got my groove back after that, so I threw in the towel and put on Beauty and the Beast.

After Lizzie woke up from her nap, I plopped her on my bed to watch along with Kate while I worked on some laundry in the next room. Those two little girls were being awfully quiet and when I went to check on them, this is what I found:





Katie told me she was taking care of Lizzie so she wouldn't be afraid of the beast. Lizzie rested there on her sister for quite a while. It was precious.

That moment totally redeemed my failed Monday. That and my husband cleaning up the kitchen and folding laundry when I went out grocery shopping after the kids were in bed.

didn't feel like spring, but we still hit the swings.




it snowed.

It snowed because last week I washed all the snow pants and heavy coats and put away most of the hats and gloves and scarves.

You're welcome.



it snowed again.

But the sun came out in the afternoon because Spring realized that the joke was getting old.

was lunch at McDonald's playland with friends where four little people ran around until they were tired and sweaty, while one very little person walked around enjoying her first playland adventure, and I forgot my camera.

was a day. A day that began with waffles, saw a few house projects completed, and produced the best cheeseburger that my grillmaster has ever made. Ever.

(guacamole, watercress, tomato, grilled pineapple, cheddar, juicy beef, bit of mayo, toasted bun)

All the more yummy when served with a side of sillies.



My day actually ends with me eating a bowl of cheerios with banana for a snack while blogging, but I don't think anyone wants to see a picture of that.

In one hour and fifty-four minutes another week begins.
I hope it's a good one.

1 comment:

Katina said...

Mmmm..the burger is making me hungry! Your pics are so cute. I love the girls snuggling. :)