Monday, January 26, 2009

Usborne vs. a four-year-old

I borrowed a craft book from the library published by the good people at Usborne. Joey found this craft and was set on doing it.

So I carefully cracked this morning's eggs and we completed the craft this afternoon. Joey loves doing crafts and had a great time. The eggshells were made into little weeble-wobbles by putting a ball of play-doh into the base - a neat touch. I only had one type of yarn and some fake curly hair, so his choices were limited. When instructed to decorate the party hats with markers, he drew pictures of scenes such as "my cousin driving a jeep" and "a boy having a dream about a spider." I helped with the gluing, but he did all the artwork himself.

Again, this what the book shows as the finished product:

Here are Joey's finished products:

A completely pointless eggshell craft that makes me laugh every time I look at it.

Reality is much less pretty, but a lot more funny.

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine...Proverb 17:22


Jersey Mama said...

Okay that made me laugh too! But I'm sure he is a happy boy ...

Musing Truth said...

oh my gosh, that made me laugh so hard - and I can just hear you cackle too!! soooo cute - and good for you mommy for taking the time to do a "pointless craft" with your son!

grndmom/pop said...

Once again, grandmom outbursted w/great laughter!! Joy unspeakable & full of glory!! luv those kids!!

Guy Beaumont said...

Absolutely hysterical!! That is a riot, Nette!
Austin scribbles on paper, then takes it to church and sells it to the adults.
Tell Joey to sell those eggs at church.
Guaranteed money maker!

Kay said...

I think Joeys are better than the books... much more original!

Jackie said...

My husband and I are laughing right now as we look at the finished product...we knew it was going to be good!

Tiffany said...

Great job Joey! Those look awesome!